Anydesk review
Anydesk review

anydesk review

While a remote session is active, the software displays a coloured background or box around your screen as a reminder that someone else is accessing your device. A one-click button lets you invite anyone in your address book to start a new remote session on your computer.ĪnyDesk Version 7 also enables you to define permission sets, which you can apply automatically when a new remote support session is initiated. Now, most in-session tools, including the file manager, can be found tucked away in a toolbar instead of crowding your screen. The new platform provides a more streamlined user experience than previous iterations of AnyDesk. The AnyDesk team has been busy updating its software, and in November 2021, AnyDesk released version 7 of its software. AnyDesk supports 2FA, and enables you to create permission presets for remote connections

Anydesk review